Category: Tips

Mortgage Myths

Busting 4 of the Top Mortgage Myths

If you’ve ever purchased a home, you might think you’re something of an expert at figuring out how mortgages work. But you’re probably wrong. In terms of financing, there are several misconceptions that you might not be aware of that could hinder your ability to find the right home. Here, debunks four of the most egregious. 1. You need to

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4 Reasons Why a Pre-Approval is So Important to Your Home Search

What if you find the perfect property, only to learn that you don’t qualify for the home of your dreams? If you don’t earn a loan pre-approval before you start looking, that could very well happen. Here, x reasons why a pre-approval is key to your home search. 1. Streamlined hunting Most home buyers start out by browsing homes for sale

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Save to buy a home

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Save Up To Buy A House

Is your New Year’s Resolution to purchase a new home in 2020? If so, you likely will need to save some money for a down payment. Here are some quick ways to cut your spending and send the savings to your down-payment fund.  1. Focus on priorities   Paying off rent and credit card debt should be your priority. This

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Homeowner Resolutions That Will Build Wealth

Homeowner Resolutions That Will Build Wealth

Homeowners can easily get into a comfortable groove year after year by making monthly mortgage payments, auto-renewing homeowner’s insurance, and putting off upgrading appliances and lighting, among other things. But that groove can cost money. Making the minimum loan payments (while putting extra money in a low interest-bearing savings account) or keeping the same policy for years (without shopping around

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What to Know About Getting a Mortgage on a Vacation Home

Mortgages for vacation homes differ from loans on a primary residence. So, before you decide to purchase a home away from home, you’ll want to be sure that you know everything on the mortgage front. Here is some information on how vacation home mortgages work to help you sail through the process and into your own personal retreat without a

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What to Expect from the Housing Market in 2020 and Beyond

What to Expect from the Housing Market in 2020 and Beyond

A little more than a year ago, mortgage rates almost hit 5 percent—levels that haven’t been seen since the early part of this decade. But as we prepare to move into a new decade, mortgage rates are more than a full percentage point lower than that, around the 3 percent to 4 percent range. And, according to a new forecast

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When you take keeping up with your mortgage payments, or if you simply want to lower them, then it could make sense to refinance your home loan with a new rate. a mortgage, you’re required to repay both the principal amount on the loan and the interest payments, which are based on a certain rate.

Is Refinancing Your Mortgage The Right Thing To Do ?

When you take out a mortgage, you’re required to repay both the principal amount on the loan and the interest payments, which are based on a certain rate. If you find that you’re having a difficult time keeping up with your mortgage payments, or if you simply want to lower them, then it could make sense to refinance your home

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6 Things Buyers Should Do Before Moving into Their New Home

When you’re nearing the end of the finish line in the journey to your new home, you don’t want anything to go wrong. That’s why compiled a home closing checklist that outlines everything you should do in the days leading up to a settlement. Here, a closing process list to keep handy so you know you’ve done everything you need

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5 Key Questions to Ask Before Co-Signing a Mortgage

Has someone close to you asked if you would co-sign a mortgage? Before you sign on the dotted line, it’s wise to consider if this move makes sense. After all, you’re not just putting your name on a piece of paper, you’re putting your own finances at risk. Here, suggests four questions you should ask first. 1. What is

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