Day: January 2, 2020

Save to buy a home

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Save Up To Buy A House

Is your New Year’s Resolution to purchase a new home in 2020? If so, you likely will need to save some money for a down payment. Here are some quick ways to cut your spending and send the savings to your down-payment fund.  1. Focus on priorities   Paying off rent and credit card debt should be your priority. This

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Homeowner Resolutions That Will Build Wealth

Homeowner Resolutions That Will Build Wealth

Homeowners can easily get into a comfortable groove year after year by making monthly mortgage payments, auto-renewing homeowner’s insurance, and putting off upgrading appliances and lighting, among other things. But that groove can cost money. Making the minimum loan payments (while putting extra money in a low interest-bearing savings account) or keeping the same policy for years (without shopping around

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